Let’s not confuse design with fashion.

The are firm believers in the principle that “form follows function”. That is why we ensure that all our products satisfy real, not imaginary needs, and that they are practical as well as stylish.


Exclusive design, exquisite taste, natural elegance and true harmony don’t come easily. They demand constant research into both style and functionality.

You can see the results of Faber style in all our products, and its ultimate expression in our limited edition hoods.


Your choice of hood can have a significant impact on how your kitchen looks. The ideal hood should enhance your kitchen’s style and blend in harmoniously but without trying to hide. We bear this in mind every time we design a new model.

For us, the kitchen hood should be perfectly functional and effective even in terms of style. Because style might be difficult to define, but its impact is immeasurable.


At Faber, we use design to express the essence of technical innovation and stylistic research, to add beauty and wellbeing to the lives of future generations. That’s how we want to leave our mark on the world.

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