Galaxy Fresh
You Save ₹ 9,000
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- Storage Tank : 7 Liters
- Filtrations: 8 Stages RO + UV+ MAT + Alkaline Filter
- 1) Pre Filter External (20 Micron)
2) Sediment 5 Micron
3) Pre Carbon Filter
4) Long Lasting RO membrane
5) + 6) Post Carbon + MAT (2-in-1 cartridge)
7) UV Lamp
8) Alkaline Filter
Indicators : Tank Full, Power On, Purification On Indicator - TDS level : 2500* PPM # Filtration Limit
- Warranty : 1 year on RO membrane and Product

Faber galaxy fresh mineral added technology Adds back essential minerals like copper, calcium, and magnesium back to your drinking water.

The Faber Galaxy Fresh water purifier puts your drinking water through eight efficient stages of purification to ensure that it is entirely free from harmful impurities. With this water purifier by your side, you can enjoy RO-purified drinking water that does not contain any pollutants.